How Traveling Contributes to a Balanced Education
In the contemporary world, people learn from teachers, books, and the internet. However, balanced education includes learning from experience and traveling provides some of the best learning experiences. I have a friend that says he develops new, essential skills whenever he travels. For instance, while traveling, he learns skills like negotiation skills, communication skills, and time management skills. These are some of the skills that have a significant impact on the life of a person. Essentially, traveling enables you to acquire a balanced education in various ways including the following.
Exploiting skills and talents
Traveling enables you to exploit skills and talents that you may not know that you have. For instance, when you travel in a foreign country, you may find needy children and help them. Taking time to help needy children in a remote village or bargaining for something that you want to buy enables you to access and improve skills that you may not have thought you had.
Stepping out of the comfort zone
Many young people don’t want to get out of their comfort zones. They don’t want a change in the status quo. However, traveling provides a chance to step out of the comfort zone. It gives you an opportunity to engage in activities that provide rich experiences and self-development opportunities. When you travel, you learn from the most unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations. Thus, you learn to embrace the discomfort and challenge that the world poses at you. You also become more knowledgeable, competent, and confident when you travel and this grows you intellectually.
Opening your eyes
Foreign travel opens the eyes of students to see the importance of cultural sensitivity in the fast globalizing world. Being aware of and fascinated by the cultural values of a country that you visit will enable you to understand international conflicts and issues better. That’s because it enables you to see where different people come from and see the reality from a different or new perspective. You develop cultural sensitivity and confidence while traveling and this enables you to develop intellectually and become more successful.
Basically, traveling provides experiences that can’t be found in classrooms. These experiences inspire and mold learners while encouraging them to make a real difference in the world.